Let Us come together in Prayer

Glorious Heavenly Father, it is my fervent prayer that in this Upcoming year we grow in faith, Wisdom, Knowledge, and Understanding Your gifts and anointing, perspicacity, your every Word of virtue and Our proximity with you

May each and every one of us discover your mission — the Divine purpose for which we were created — and have the Composure to accept it and the courage to move forward with your Love May this New Year find us overflowing with your light of Love? For our brethren, and May this light stir in them a desire to Know you for self

May our prayer life become stronger … May we operate in The Supernatural Kingdom of the Holy Ghost and watch miracles Happen before our very eyes. May we pray and lay hands on the sick to show your mercy? And see them healed.

May we cast out devils and have them regard you and your people as they flee. In faith, may we speak to every mountain before us, and have You move it … May we come into the Fullness of who we are in you, and who you are in us

May we take advantage of every opportunity you present to? Us, to spread Your Gospel to those who don’t know or Appreciate it, and your Love? May we serve you in meekness and do all things for your Glory.

In Jesus Name we pray… Amen