Your Freedom of Choice. The Bill of Right Amendment
The Johnson Bill is an amendment to the Bill of Right, it is an agreement to None Profit organizations, not to take part or use their platform to promote or endorse a candidate for office in public service. The Johnson Bill may have Amended your Freedom of speech, in the Bill of Right, this is your Government giving you, to God through Jesus Christ your right to freedom of Choice, to serve Jesus or Satan, It’s Time for you to make a decision to bring American to one Nation Under God, in Jesus Christ, through His disciples to teach you how to qualify to be born again in God Holy Spirit with Power in doing so you can bring peace, and love to all American, and it political parties.
The Johnson Bill may be used against you if you have signed a None Profit agreement you or your sponsor ask the Internal Revenue Service for a tax duction, also may be used against you if you’re aiding and abetting, with a politician running for public service
The Johnson Bill was put in place to protect the Government, and Church from being overturned, by any nonprofit organization, or religion leaders, followers, and their political party they sponsor.
Today with Love Jesus is standing in gate of destruction to America, with His hand stretched out to a rebellious nation, that is against His heavenly father laws. It’s up to each one of us to allow the court of law to work under the Constitution, that are supported by the Ten Commandments.
In the Bill of Right, gives American and the peoples, the right to repent, these are some of the reason America was establish as a Christian Nation, in freedom of choice, to serve Jesus or Satan though man or woman.
For this reason, you must pray about everything daily, read, study the scriptures daily, search the scriptures when not in agreement.
The Question is Who do you want to serve?
Jesus Christ, or under the order of Satan, through man or woman
God, and Jesus are one 1Timothy 3:16 KJV.
Your faithful Servant in Christ.
Since 1995,
Gertha Banks
Freedom of speech
Bill of right
The Johnson bill
Bible study
Right to vote
Jesus Christ
Scriptures’ study
Free bible study
One nation under God