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God Ordinance of the church was given to Joseph with His Holy Spirit, and was lost to sin through Pharaoh, and Joseph Restored in the Doctrine of Christ, that came through His Disciples with the gift of the Holy Ghost. 1 Cor 12:28 And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues.(KJV)
The Constitution, The Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence, the Gettysburg Address, and the Ten Commandments–when our ancestors set up these documents in the United States, they were in agreement with the Ordinance of God and the Doctrine of Christ. Christ Gift to Life is about you and your right to know the Lord in Spirit and Truth. Without knowledge of the Lord, spirit and truth has caused divisions between Him and His people.
I truly know and believe every word that is spoken in the Bible. They can’t be rightly divided without the Spirit of the Lord. Because He died at the hands of man, He hides the Spirit from us in order for you to choose to build a personal relationship with Him by studying and reading your Bible daily at home.
Please keep in mind that Religion and the Doctrine of Christ are based on the words of the Bible. The Ordinance of God is a foundation of truth about life good and bad. It teaches you about how a person can bring division between you and Him. The doctrine of Christ teaches you how all of God’s people are to come together in one accord in spirit and truth. It also teaches you how to be born again in the Spirit.
Most church leaders and teachers are doing what is requires of them in preaching and teaching the Gospel in order for you to hear and be encouraged in the Word. But they need your help. It’s your responsibility to search and study the Scriptures daily. In doing so you’re giving yourself to the Lord with a willing mind and heart.
“Most of God people” are not following the Doctrine of Christ, this has made God anger, so much He has used man to bring destruction up on man. He had been set by God” to always sin against each other, and be at war with each other. Like with Gaza, Israel and the entire Nation who chose not to takes part in coming together on one accord in God Holy spirit” and truth*.
Gaza is a Nation that God plans have not come to pass, with the children of Israel and Palestine these two Nation as a whole has not surrender to the Holy Spirit of God, in the Doctrine of Christ, nor all Nation in this world
“Discriminations” play a role with every one that chose not to know God in spirit and truth in the Doctrine of Christ. Join me in claming what is rightfully yours in coming together in one accord: “One Lord, one faith, and one baptism.”