Christ Gift To Life
How to prepare yourself for the Kingdom of God
- Christ Gift To Life how to study the bible for beginners
- Read and study your King James Bible daily with your Strong’s E Concordance and dictionary
- Obey the Ten Commandments. This is God’s love for you as a way to walk on Holy ground and a way for you to repent.
- Enter in to the Holy Spirit with the teachings of the Twelve Disciples and Paul, for they are in agreement with Christ’s love for you in spirit and truth in the Doctrine.
- Never correct a person who does not speak in agreement with words of the Bible, but pray for him/her out of love. Jesus may be seeking your willing heart and mind to baptize and anoint you with the gift of the Holy Ghost.
- Please keep in mind gift of tongues and speaking tongues is evidence of being born again are from the same Holy Spirit these two gift are anointed with power.
- Keep the Sabbath and rest on the seventh day. It is your time to give the Lord the glory for all that has happened in the last seven days, good and bad.
- If you have questions about the words of the Bible, search the scriptures with your Strong’s E Concordance. This is pleasing to the Lord as His love seeks your willing mind and heart to search the scriptures.
- Fasting is very important in surrendering to Christ teaching you through the twelves Disciples and Paul to trust Him, when you ask Him to take away your hunger pain.
- The spiritually fast is in Luke 18:12 two days a week to build trust in Christ.
- Acts 9:9 Like with Saul three days to have Christ choose you in the Holy Spirit like with Saul Acts 9:13 Please don’t be fraud by Paul not speaking in tongues when he received the Holy Ghost he speak about it, and his teaching come only by the Holy Ghost This is one of the many challenges Christ has put before you to search the scriptures with many questions
- Acts 10:30 Cornelius four days the Holy Spirit spoke to Peter to travel with Cornelius servants. These are spiritually fast because Christ are with man in the flesh or Holy Spirit
- Privately I fast one day a week over several years and did the other two as time permit also drink plenty of filtered water.
Christ Gift To Life– Please use the five words below to help you get answers to your questions about the words of the Bible(I call them the five wise men)
- Who……………is speaking and to whom?
- What…………is being said?
- When…………did it happen?
- Where……………did it take place?
- Why……………is it important?
Christ Gift To Life – Please keep in mind Christ love for you to have a life like with Paul who was chosen by the Holy Spirit and decease from natural cause
The Disciple decease from under natural causes because Christ chosen them while HE was on earth He has no chosen one by the flesh left on this earth when the Disciples expired
All of the above will help you be humble before God and bring all of God’s people to be in one accord one faith one baptism and one Lord Ephesians 4:5
Helpful Tool
Christ Gift To Life,
Lack of knowledge of tools like Strong’s E Concordance and dictionary to aid in research of the scripture has caused many of God’s people to fall from grace instead of following the Doctrine of Christ that you can received use to help wipe out all sin on earth.
Christ Gift To Life

The King James Bible stirred my mind with many questions. Using the Strong’s E Concordance and dictionary, and studying the scriptures daily, has lead me be to be chosen by Christ in the gift of the Holy Ghost
Christ Gift To Life

Click the link below to get the free King James Bible and the Strong’s Concordance
How to study the bible for beginners
How to bible study
When you pray bible study
How to study the bible effectively
Christ Gift to Life Bible Study Tools
Christ Gift to Life is based on Acts 2:38. This is your Keys to the Kingdom of God. Your water baptism is to pray, and call out to Jesus, repent obey the Ten Commandments, by doing so you’re working on being humble to God, at the same time building on trust, faith, hope, patient, and love. Every question come to your mind about the word of God is from Him seeking your love.
When you read and study the scriptures, you’re returning your love. When in disagreement pray for that person and search the scriptures God is working on moving you on a higher level of your love affair. To keep up your love affair you may want to take note of any word or name, in doing so you may find yourself can’t wait to read and study daily God is a big tease don’t get discouraged if you can’t find answers to your questions. This’s GOD way of turning you over to Christ saving the best for you last. You’re allowing yourself to get qualify for the baptism of God Holy Spirit, with power over all sin. Your evidence of being born again is by speaking in Tongues. DON’T ALLOW ANYONE TO FORCE OR TEACH YOU TO SPEAK IN TOUNGE.
You may want to use your King James Bible, along with The Strong’s E Concordance, these are the tools I used, they are very powerful books. This is the reason I can tell you about how to build a love affair with God. Click on the link below to see an example how to build many books from the King James Bible with the Strong’s E Concordance.
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